This post got us thinking about better ways you can videotape yourself…especially since most computers and phones now contain videocameras.
Here’s our modified list: 5 Ways to Take Better Video of Yourself
1 – Find The Right Camera Distance
Maybe it’s because youtubers first started blogging with webcams, but most people put the camera too close and too high. Use a tripod (even an inexpensive one like this) and set the camera lens at the right level.
Also, if you have the camera close, sometimes that means a wide lens, which can be unflattering. If you have the room, back the camera up and zoom in. You’ll get a prettier/handsomer shot.
2 – Try Using a Reflective Surface
Indeed. Mirrors can be a great tool. Or even Hubcaps. Many a music video has been shot in one. Here’s a screengrab from an interview we shot with a reflective table. Looks great, doesn’t it?
3 – Check Your Angles
Low or high. Dead on or tilted. Different angles can be used to provide visual interest, imply authority, or simply hide that distraction behind you.
4 – Challenge Yourself To Do Something Brand New
In video, this often means movement. Take the camera with you on a walk around the block. Selfie sticks aren’t just for still photos.
5 – Capture the Details That Tell a Story
When videotaping ourselves, we often focus on how we look and what we’ll say. But what are some other details you can show? Think about fun props to put in the background. Or maybe you want to back the camera up so that viewers can see your hands as you talk?
Just one more thing…
Don’t forget that sound is at least half of the video experience. If you have to use the built in microphone, bring the camera close. However, it’s always better to use a plug in microphone.